Consulting services
Our team is formed by highly specialized resources who have a high level of experience in this field, they are constantly updated and trained to offer the best advice.

Regulatory advice - Privacy
We follow the companies, according to a structured and customized path according to the specific needs of each reality, during all the phases necessary to achieve compliance.
The compliance path includes:
1 - Assessment activity / GAP Analysis
The Gap Analysis is an activity aimed at identifying the distance (GAP) between a real situation and a norm, a law or any set of requirements, examining it exhaustively. The output of this activity is a timely description of the missing elements to bridge this gap.
During the assessment activity, our consultants conduct interviews and analyse the documentation in place.
2 - Adptation activity
During the adjustment phase, the findings of the previous phase are analysed and the necessary documentation is produced (such as the Register of processing, construction of information, drafting of letters to interested parties and all parties involved in processing activities, etc.)
In this phase are evaluated any treatments that require special attention, is evaluated the need to conduct a DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment) and indications are given regarding the activities to be carried out for those treatments that have impacts outside the scope of data protection (video surveillance, geolocation, etc.)
3 - Education activity
An activity aimed at raising awareness and training, aimed at management and operating staff with the aim of promoting greater awareness and knowledge of privacy in the company.
4 - Maintenance activity
Continuous post-adjustment support in order to maintain the documentation, technical and organizational infrastructure. Support to the Data Controller in assessing the privacy impacts during the design of new activities (e.g. marketing, IOT, video surveillance).
5 - DPO services
We are DPO of some important realities (public and private).
We have this role thanks to the experience gained in over twenty years of experience in the field of privacy.
Are you interested in the privacy advice service?
Regulatory advice - Certifications
We offer advice in various regulatory areas, not only in the area of privacy / GDPR and we accompany companies towards the certification stages in the field of privacy and information security (ISO/IEC 27001).
Areas of competence
General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679
Security of information
Information Security Management System – ISO 27001
Safety at work
Health and safety at work – D.lgs. 81/08
Anti-money laundering
Anti Money-Laundering – Money laundering risk management
Cookie management
Management of cookies and tracking technologies on websites / apps
Log & asset management
Asset management and system administrator logs
Prevention of corruption
Management systems for the prevention of corruption – ISO 37001
Administrative liability
Corporate administrative responsibility – D.lgs 231/2001
Find out
Are you looking for software that allows you to manage the regulatory requirements of one or more of the areas of expertise described above and beyond?
TESISQUARE® ecosystem
Compet-e was founded in 2000, focusing on the issues of privacy and data security and business intelligence creating a set of solutions (management of privacy, management of the collection of logs related to system administrators, system of adequate verification in the field of anti-money laundering) that distributes directly locally and through partners on the national territory.
In 2019 Compet-e srl becomes “Competence Center on privacy and compliance issues” through the entry into the TESISQUARE® Ecosystem, strengthening the partnership with the parent company TESI SPA.
In collaboration with Tesi, in 2019, GRC CORA was born, an extremely parameterizable and modular software solution that integrates the various software solutions developed over the years by Compet-e to allow a unified compliance management in a single solution.
Thanks to a careful study of the material and the needs identified by the customers, Compet-e then developed its offer based on the trinomie “compliance, consulting, technologies”: understanding the compliance needs, Develop technologies suitable for the purpose and support the customer with specific and qualified advice for the achievement of objectives.